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Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist (v3)

This Guide applies ‘Universal Design for Learning (UDL)’ principles ( to Canvas course design/build – to help Canvas users elevate the quality of Canvas courses. It also includes the top 10 Foundational items (think of this list as your quick start).

How To Use: The legend, within each header, references what type of criterion is demonstrated:


★ (1-star) rating indicates an Essential and standard design component to online learning (including the top 10 Foundational items)

★★ (2-star) rating is considered Best Practice and adds value to a course

★★★ (3-star) rating is Exemplary and elevates learning.

Course Information         Essential   ★★ Best Practice   ★★★ Exemplary
Yes ✔ Criteria
❏     ★


Home Page provides visual representation of course; a brief course description or introduction; clear instructions for students (e.g., where to begin) and quick and easy navigation to current content.📍UDL 2.5 Illustrate through multiple media
❏     ★


Course Navigation is clear and consistent (unused items are hidden). Canvas Guide – Navigation Links📍Mobile Design Consideration📍UDL 7.3 Minimize threats and distractions
❏     ★


Teacher has provided key learning information such as goals, learning objectives and/or standards as well as course materials, supplemental textbooks, and reading lists.📍UDL 8.1 Heighten salience of goals and objectives
❏     ★


Teacher has provided class expectations such as participation rules, etiquette expectations, code of conduct; policies for grading, late work and make-up work; and technology requirements.
❏     ★


Teacher has provided contact information, which may include biography, availability information, communication preferences, response time, and picture.
❏     ★ Course card provides visual representation of the subject by adding an image in Course Settings. Canvas Guide – Add Image to Course Card📍 UDL 2.5 Illustrate through multiple media
❏     ★ Course contains information and links to institutional resources (e.g. library, institutional services etc.)
Course Content                  Essential   ★★ Best Practice   ★★★ Exemplary
Yes ✔ Criteria
❏     ★


Copyright law is followed. Course breaks no copyright considerations. Canvas Guide – Copyright Resources
❏     ★


All links, files, videos and external URLs are active and working. Canvas Guide – Link Validation
❏     ★ Learning activities include student-student interaction to foster a sense of community (e.g. discussions, constructive collaboration and peer reviews).📍 UDL 8.3 Foster collaboration and community
❏     ★ Learning activities include student-teacher interaction (e.g. teacher is actively engaged in authentic conversations and provides quality feedback).📍 UDL 8.3 Foster collaboration and community
❏     ★ Learning activities include student-content interaction (e.g. students interact with engaging content and resources) and provide opportunities for self-assessment.📍 UDL 8.3 Foster collaboration and communityUDL 9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection
❏     ★ Content is “chunked” into manageable pieces by leveraging modules (e.g. organized by units, chapters, topic, or weeks). Canvas Guide – Modules📍Mobile Design Consideration📍 UDL 3.3 Guide information processing, visualization, and manipulation
❏     ★★ There is a “Welcome” or “Let’s Get Acquainted” discussion designed to build a sense of community and establish rapport.📍 UDL 8.3 Foster collaboration and community
❏     ★★ Personalized learning is evident through opportunities for student choice.📍 UDL 7.1 Optimize individual choice and autonomy
❏     ★★ Modules and items within modules have a thoughtful naming convention (e.g. name the module “Chapter 1: Pandas in the News,” not just “Chapter 1”).📍 UDL 2.2 Clarify syntax and structure
❏     ★★ Modules begin with an Introduction/Overview page and end with a Conclusion/Summary page to “bookend” each module.📍 UDL 3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge
❏     ★★ Text headers and indention are included within modules to help guide student navigation. Canvas Guide – Add Text Header📍Mobile Design Consideration📍 UDL 2.2 Clarify syntax and structure
❏     ★★★ Opportunities for course feedback are present and available to students throughout the duration of course. Teacher uses formal and informal feedback to improve subsequent course revisions.
❏     ★★★ Module completion requirements and/or prerequisites are utilized to provide course structure, pacing and flow. Canvas Guide – Adding Prerequisites📍 UDL 3.3 Guide information processing and visualization
❏     ★★★ External tools (e.g., ClickView, SCORM, Padlet, Nearpod, ThingLink etc.) are relevant to course content and support active learning techniques.📍 UDL 5.2 Use multiple tools for construction and composition
❏     ★★★ Auto-open Inline Preview is used thoughtfully. Canvas Guide – Auto-open for Inline Preview
❏     ★★★ MasteryPaths are included. Canvas Guide – MasteryPaths📍 UDL 7.2 Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity
Assessment of Student Learning    Essential   ★★ Best Practice   ★★★ Exemplary
Yes ✔ Criteria
❏     ★


Detailed instructions are clearly written to ensure understanding to support student actions.📍 UDL 4.2 Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies
❏     ★


A variety of assessments is used (e.g., discussions, individual and/or group assignments and quizzes) to increase learner engagement and promote active learning.📍 UDL 4.1 Vary the methods for response and navigation
❏     ★ Lowstakes (formative) assessments occur frequently throughout the course to measure knowledge, skills and attitude and occur before high-stakes assessments.
❏     ★ High-stakes (summative) assessments are clearly aligned with stated goals, learning objectives and/or standards.
❏     ★ Assessments include option for Teachers to use SpeedGrader to score and provide prompt and high-quality feedback. Canvas Guide – SpeedGrader📍 UDL 8.4 Increase mastery-oriented feedback
❏     ★★ Sample assignments are provided to illustrate Teacher expectations.📍 UDL 5.3 Build fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and performance
❏     ★★ Rubrics used to evaluate assignments and/or discussions. Canvas Guide – Rubrics
❏     ★★★ Canvas Outcomes are tied to assessments. Canvas Guide – Outcomes 📍 UDL 8.1 Heighten salience of goals and objectives
Course Accessibility                  Essential   ★★ Best Practice   ★★★ Exemplary
Yes ✔ Criteria
❏     ★


Web tools and/or software are utilized to identify and correct accessibility issues within the course (e.g. Blackboard Ally.) Canvas Guide – Accessibility Checker📍 UDL 7.3 Minimize threats and distractions
❏     ★ Accommodation Statement is present and easily located (e.g., on Home Page or Syllabus).📍 UDL 4.2 Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies
❏     ★ Color enhances the aesthetic appeal and effectiveness of the course; sufficient contrast between text and background makes information easy to read; and color is not used in isolation to convey meaning. Canvas Guide – Accessibility Checker📍 UDL 7.3 Minimize threats and distractions
❏     ★ Images are used to support course content (e.g., banners, headings and icons) and accompanied by text descriptions (Alt text) or captions for more complex descriptions. Canvas Guide – General Accessibility Design Guidelines📍 UDL 1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information
❏     ★ Styles (e.g. Paragraph, Heading 2, etc.) are used to format text. Canvas Guide – General Accessibility Design Guidelines📍 UDL 4.2 Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies
❏     ★ Hyperlink text incorporates the hyperlink destination/purpose (avoid raw URLs, e.g., and includes words and phrases to provide context for screen-readers (e.g., use “Canvas Guide – Hyperlink” rather than “Canvas Guide”). WebAim – Introduction to Links and Hypertext📍 UDL 4.2 Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies
❏     ★ Audio materials (mp3, wav, etc.) are accompanied by a transcript and videos / screencasts are closed-captioned. Canvas Guide – Create Caption Files📍 UDL 1.2 Offer alternatives for auditory information
❏     ★★ Tables are used appropriately and are accessible. WebAim – Creating Accessible Tables📍Mobile Design Consideration
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